الهندسة والفنون
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الهندسة والفنون
مع باقة ورد عطرة منتدى الهندسة والفنون يرحب بكم ويدعوكم للإنضمام الينا

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الهندسة والفنون
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الهندسة والفنون

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اذهب الى الأسفل 
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دكتورة.م انوار صفار

تاريخ التسجيل : 04/04/2010
البلد /المدينة : bahrain

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مُساهمةموضوع: طريقة عمل البيصاره المغربية -   طريقة عمل البيصاره المغربية - Empty9/14/2011, 12:55

Lbisarh . modus operandi albisarh of Morocco . bisarh Moroccan
Eat the rich and the poor

طريقة عمل البيصاره المغربية - Food1.602818
«Albisarh» was initially applied to the poor and non-able material

Larache (Morocco): Yassin Amari
Accustomed to cooler weather Moroccan in this period that jargon «nights», where unusually heavy rains disrupted air, and snowfall, with attendant cold cold and strong winds in several regions.

Preparing for cold as prepares Moroccan military foe in the war, and cooler weather in the Atlas mountains sometimes kill.
Among the means taken by a Moroccan them to defend themselves against the cold and snow are two ways, first wearing woollen clothes and skin, and processing of modern cities balmedvat houses, while in the countryside and rural villagers cut trees, and are stored in warehouses for firewood for heating. The second way is eating certain foods during winter can cold weather and give them power paid them cold.
Accept the Moroccans in such cold climates to eat hot spots that provide the body with energy differently from the rest of the season, and there is a well-known Moroccan said in such cases «winter eating alone and name with ten members, and in the summer dining with ten people and name alone», a sign that one needs to eat in winter than summer needs. Among these foods there Bethlehem alkodido «alharirh» and «albisarh».
Fruit «albisarh», is a bean dryer ground preferably type municipal, removed the crust to cook them in water with some vegetables, spices and olive oil. Hot bread made with barley or wheat, either for lunch or dinner, there is also a preferred address in breakfast.
Moroccans prefer eating beans after removal of the crust, making him asida called «albisarh», in contrast to the 140 who ate the cooking beans. Moroccans in turn eat beans full crust, but is common among them especially in winter, making it a key and a key component in the diet.
«Albisarh» food is rich and poor alike, but remains more prevalent among the poor.
Are economic and costly, since the kilograms of beans enough to satisfy eight people. And for a little not exceeding nine dirhams per kilogram (around one dollar), but the benefits are many. And we enumerate the benefits from not configured beans we count her, therefore contains high nutritional value and recommended by doctors. -«Albisarh» rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals such as iron, phosphorous, and doctors believed that contains complex compounds resistant cancers mouth, and is also useful to heart because it raises good cholesterol level in blood, and contains articles strengthen immunity against objects, either Peel bean diseases are known to fight constipation which infects the body, and an opportunity to benefit from an existing article is chlorophyll green sucks body odors. Preparation of fruit «albisarh» will one needs for a lot of time, it's easy setup, preparation is required only for half an hour at most.
And different amounts of «albisarh» from region to region, but generally consists of half a kilo dried beans without crust, Walter water or more, and his love tomatoes, and three cloves of garlic, a piece of Red pulses, and bead a small salt Islands, spoon, small spoon of cumin, alkhrkom municipal, cups olive oil. Either way, which is in the Atlas mountains are areas where compensation olive oil elements, and in areas north and RIF Awad pumpkin red turnip cabbage and carrots are.
And uniform cooking method, bearing the «the cooker» beans, pumpkins, cucumbers and carrots, with salt for about half an hour, and then remove the foam of the beans, then we mill components and we return her to the saucepan and add black pepper, cumin and olive oil and the amount of water you need with animation course so as not to stick.
Eventually flowing into the knockout dishes alongside bread wheat or barley and sprinkled with olive oil and cumin, and from there it drops of lemon adds as desired, either inhabitants of the sauce instead of olive oil «pillars» diversities. And some make «bisarh» from dried peas, or what the Moroccans «bisarh alglbanh».
Abdullah, owner of a restaurant for sale «albisarh» aligned to the bus station in the northern city of larache, Morocco says he sells his customers «albisarh» without adding any kind of vegetables to satisfy all tastes, but some saying they in village town submitted some vegetables add as a turnip and other. With regard to demand for fruit «albisarh» Abdullah received strong popular-eating in winter, in summer, the turnout be weak to non-existent. He says in this regard, it has customers winter and summer, but conceded that turnout would be high in the winter, because temperatures in summer are driving people to drink what is cool and refreshing. We have noticed that most restaurant customers Abdullah ate «albisarh» with olive oil and bread, and be eaten by other fish fried fresh, while the price of the dish is five dirhams (half dollar) small size and large size seven dirhams.

Tale of Moroccans with «albisarh», the fruit will not be known to appreciate her only in Morocco, but it's interesting that this piscivorous turns Ashgabat to foreigners. «Thierry» French resident city of larache, where he oversees the management of Hospitality House in alkobibat district of Medina, had the maid is cleaning and room arrangement, note «Thierry» that his domestic servant attends with her strange food not accustomed to see before, asked him, told him that «albisarh». Asked by mm consisting? ... She has it made from the dried beans and some spices and vegetables. It was strange because the dried beans in France only because it provides for the cows milk-according to him, and asked to taste «albisarh», already dealing with spoons and discovered that its taste irresistible. From that day his domestic servant was asked to learn how to cook «albisarh», and began to cook her himself since that day, daily.
Tells Mohammad Abdullah, owner of a shop selling food next to the guesthouse, the French «Thierry» became acquired has loads of dried beans, and I always ask him half a kilo of «albisagha» as pronounced in French to make and delicious meal discovered in larache Morocco.

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أما الطريقة التي تعد بها في مناطق جبال الأطلس فيتم فيها تعويض زيت الزيتون بزيت أركان، وفي مناطق الشمال وجبال الريف عوض اليقطين الأحمر والجزر يضعون اللفت والكرنب.
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