الهندسة والفنون
مع باقة ورد عطرة منتدى الهندسة والفنون يرحب بكم ويدعوكم للإنضمام الينا

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الهندسة والفنون
مع باقة ورد عطرة منتدى الهندسة والفنون يرحب بكم ويدعوكم للإنضمام الينا

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الهندسة والفنون
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الهندسة والفنون

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 مقال عن القطن بالنجليزية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
دكتورة.م انوار صفار
دكتورة.م انوار صفار

تاريخ التسجيل : 04/04/2010
البلد /المدينة : bahrain

بطاقة الشخصية

مقال عن القطن بالنجليزية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مقال عن القطن بالنجليزية   مقال عن القطن بالنجليزية Empty6/9/2011, 12:51

Chapter 4

In 1903, when the Sudan Government was welcoming the interest of
private capital to develop lands along the Main Nile, a wealthy
American, a Mr. Leigh Hunt**** after twenty years of strenuous efforts
in many lands, was taking a long holiday in Egypt. Always attracted by
the unsettled regions of the world, he ascended the Nile as far as the
southern Sudan and on his return discussed with Wingate the possibili**
ties of cotton-growing. Among his suggestions was a proposal to encour**
age the immigration of skilled negroes from the United States, such as
blacksmiths, mechanics and dairy and other farmers, who had been
trained in American agricultural schools, as technical demonstrators to
the local Sudanese.1 Leigh Hunt evidently impressed Wingate and
Cromer as a capitalist with both the resources for and the genuine inten**
tion of development. It was to him that the only large concession on the
Nile, that of 100,000 feddans at Zeidab, was granted.

To develop the Zeidab concession, Leigh Hunt set up in 1904 the
Sudan Experimental Plantations Syndicate, enlisting the co-operation
of certain merchants of the city of London, particularly Wernher Beit
& Co., one of whose members, Mr. Frederick Eckstein,† had been one
of the chief pioneers of the Rand goldfield in South Africa.

The first pump was installed at Zeidab in 1906 and 70 feddans of
cotton planted. By 1907, 800 feddans of cotton and 800 of wheat were
being irrigated. Initial costs turned out embarrassingly heavy and the
early years were anything but remunerative. A population of only 600
local Sudanese lived there at that time on the narrow strip of river-bank
which could be commanded by their water-wheels. Labour for levelling

**** Leigh S. J. Hunt. President of State Agricultural College, Idaho: entered
business in Seattle, 1886: developed Oriental Consolidated Mines, Korea:
died 1935.
† Later Sir Frederick Eckstein, Bart. ( 1857-1930). Began life in indigo business
in India: joined brother in Johannesburg: returned to England at beginning of
century: Chairman of Central Mines Investment Corporation until 1915.
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الهندسة والفنون :: الهندسي (الزراعة -والهندسة الطبية -وكل ما يتعلق بالهندسة :: الزراعية-
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